Express UrSelf !!
22 Sept 2011
PMP : Lessons Learned

17 Jun 2011
Free PDU for PMP
Found this interesting link which publishes the list of FREE upcoming Webinars. Most of the Webinars are entitled for claiming 1 PDU under category A. I myself have attended two of these sessions and they are excellent from learning point of view and claiming free PDU's by attending these sessions in entirety.
These webinars are conducted in tie up with Boston University Corporate Education Center by "Corporate Education Group". As these webinars are pre-registered with PMI you can easily claim PDU after successfully attending the session.
[ Point 2, 3, 4 Updated on 12th August 2011]
2. https://roederconsulting.
(1 PDU for each webinar)
Free 5 PDU's
4. (announcements for webinars for pdu's)
Happy Learning !!
Keep Visiting for more information !!

22 Mar 2011
PMP Exam Practice
The full set can be purchased from the website if you want to have the entire set for your preparations.
Resource 1
Resource 2
Resource 3
Resource 4
Resource 5
Resource 6
Resource 7
Resource 8
Resource 9
Purchase Andy Crowe's Book and you will get access to lots of sample questions for your practice for 7 day's time. You can further get the subscription extended (beyond 7 days) if you want by sending an e-mail and paying a small fees.
Hope this post will be helpful.
Don't forget to share your comments.
All the best !!

2 Feb 2011
Opportunity Cost
Opportunity Cost concept is used when your are selecting a project to execute from a set of multiple projects available in an organization bucket.
Opportunity cost is the value of the next best choice that one gives up when making a decision.
Example 1
If you are to choose between Project A valued at Rs 20,000 and Project B valued at Rs. 50,000.
- if you select Project A, the Opportunity cost would be Rs. 50,000
- if you select Project B, the Opportunity cost would be Rs. 20,000
Example 2
If you are to choose between Project A valued at Rs 20,000 and Project B valued at Rs. 50,000 and Project C valued at Rs 80,000
- if you select Project B, the Opportunity cost would be Rs. 80,000
- if you select Project C, the Opportunity cost would be Rs. 50,000
If you are making a choice between more then 2 projects, OC will be the next best cost missed not the sum of all the projects which are not chosen.
Example 3 (from life)
if you are planning to buy mutual funds from W, X, Y, Z company.
- Mutual Fund W gives a benefit of Rs. 10,000
- Mutual Fund X gives a benefit of Rs. 20,000
- Mutual Fund Y gives a benefit of Rs. 30,000
- Mutual Fund Z gives a benefit of Rs. 40,000
So what will be the Opportunity Cost, if you make different choices
- if you select Mutual Fund W, the OC will be Rs 40,000
- if you select Mutual Fund X, the OC will be Rs 40,000
- if you select Mutual Fund Y, the OC will be Rs 40,000
- if you select Mutual Fund Z, the OC will be Rs 30,000
Hope this post is helpful.
29 Jan 2011
Memory Dump or Brain Dump
What is Memory Dump?
Jotting down the concepts formulas on the scratch paper before you begin your exam, which you feel may confuse you during the exam or points which you felt difficult and hard to remember. All short notes which can be covered during 10 – 15 minutes of time can be part of dump.
Why Memory Dump or Brain Dump?
Once we start the exam, we are so engrossed in the questions that many a times it is hard to remember even simplest thing like for float it is LS – ES or ES – LS. Making a small note of points which you feel important just before your begin the exam will be very helpful while you are taking the exam. This practice I am following it since my school days and has always proved helpful for me.
Some Tips on what can go in Memory Dump
As PMP is a not a speed exam but application of concepts and learning’s and if you are not a very slow reader you will have ample time to complete the exam (including review).
- formula’s for numerical
- list of 42 process ( if possible, I wrote it down during my exam)
- HR theory 2 words
- Risk mitigation ways
- Sigma values for 1, 2,3 ,6
- Etc …
Have attached a sample memory dump which is from one of my practice sessions before the exam. Hope this post will be helpful. Please share your comments and keep visiting I will keep posting topics regularly.

28 Jan 2011
Passed PMP
- Read PMBOK 4, at least 4 times, 2 serious readings and 2 just skimming the high level marked concepts. Every time i read I got more understanding and I feel it is the finest Book I have ever read & imbibed ...
- Thoroughly understand the process on Page 43 of PMBOK, there is a PMIism that if someone wakes you up from sleep and ask you the process you should be able to tell them otherwise you are not ready for the exam. There is no need to memorize them just logically try to understand which i did and used to recall them while driving to office, just before bed or after waking up ..
- Went through Rita's book twice (one thorough and one high level reading) and Andy Crowe's book just once along with Practice questions in both books.
- 1.5 month before taking the exam I made a habit to take sample test regularly of 10, 50, 100 or many times 200 questions from the question bank which i got as part of 35 contact hours training or Rita's book, by purchasing Andy Crowe's book or this link
- I maintained the score sheet to review my performance and I was consistently scoring between 72% - 90%. Taking exam just boost your confidence that you understand PMBOK process before you take the exam. I used to take the exam many times when television was on, just to simulate and be ready for a noisy situation during the exam (this little risk mitigation helped as One Hour after the exam the AC in the center started making lots of noise) but as I was accustomed this made no difference ...
- Subscribed to pmprecast news letter which sends some very nice tips and questions daily..
- Limited my resources to just PMBOK 4, Rita 6th edition and practice tests ...
- Lots of focus and discipline ...
- 3 -4 days before the exam I confirmed my appointment with Prometric center, asked them directions, traffic conditions during day time near center ( as in Bangalore it is located between very busy place), parking space availability, what to bring in for identity etc ..
- 3 days before the exam I just went through the highlighted points in PMBOK and Rita
- Reviewed the formulas & concepts which i was planning to write during memory dump.
- Tried to get some good sleep before the exam (which i could hardly get due to nervousness)
- I was scheduled for 2nd Half from 1 PM (it doesn't matter you take the exam in which shift it shall be totally as per your convenience). I left early and reached the center after driving for 1.5 hours around 11:30 AM .. then relaxed myself a bit
- I entered the center at around 12:15, identity was verified and I have to submit all the items in the provided locker including mobile, watch, wallet, bag and even Jacket. Pockets have been emptied. Only thing allowed inside was the Passport.
- I was handed over the scratch paper with two pencils, made an entry in the exam hall.
- First 15 minutes is given to familiarize your self with the system, of which I used the 10 minutes to take the memory dump on the provided rest five minutes to know how to use the system. moment you complete the tutorial the exam will start.
- Took a deep breath and God's name and started the exam .... i was going through the questions steadily and completed the first 120 questions in 1 hour 40 minutes. Then took a 2 minutes break and then again completed remaining 60 questions and then again 2 min break. Then completed the exam and started reviewing the questions which i had marked. I completed the 200 questions in 2 hours 40 minutes, then reviewed the questions in another 20 minutes, marked questions were not more than 15. I had this habit of not reviewing all questions so as not to change the options which i practiced during the practice test session. (you can develop your own style during your practice sessions)
- Then finally I submitted the exam with my hands folded then the survey appeared which i finished in couple of seconds and then re-submitted for seeing the results. I just praying with hands folded and the those 2 - 3 seconds were appearing like hours. Finally I saw a page appeared with result as PASS .. for first couple of seconds I could not understand the result and then realized that effort gone into preparations have paid off. I passed with "Proficient" rating and moderately Proficient in all the 6 process.
- During the exam lots of things were coming in mind but i tried to make sure that i remain focused. Did not try to take breaks more than 2 minutes so as not to loose tempo of the exam. It's a personal call depending on individual. (if required you can take more than 2 minutes)
- Then Prometric guys gave me my pass letter in another 2 minutes ..
Disclaimer : All the Lesson learned mentioned above is as per the project (Read Passing PMP Exam) which I managed and learning's if any to be imbibed in future similar projects shall be at your own risk :)

17 Apr 2010
How to Close Citibank Suvidha Account
It has been few months that I was brooding over whether to close my Citibank Suvidha Account. I have been using the account since last 5 years and was very happy with the online services but ever since the account got converted to non-salary account every single service over internet account was being charged.
The recent deduction of Rs 275 by Citibank towards Maintain Monthly Average Balance was a good trigger for me that I shall take any action.It has been a very tough decision for me as the Online services which Citibank gives are the best in the country. Believe me that in my last 5 years of service I had visited the branch only today for closing the account and I had called the Citibank phone line I guess not more than 10 times in 5 years.
Reason for closure
1. To maintain Rs 25000 monthly average balance in the account else the account holder is fined with penalty.
2. The online fund transfer has been charged from transaction 1 for Rs 5.5 for every transaction.
3. The monthly average balance amount was being increased from 10000 to 25000 which I feel is very difficult in today’s time.
Below is what can be done to close the account
1. Transfer all amount to your different account 1 day before the D-day
2. Take a copy or scan your debit card, 1st and last unused cheque leaf for your reference
3. Download the online statements of the account from internet account
4. Prepare two copies of your application, one for submission and one to be taken as acknowledgment.
On the D-Day:
1. Visit your Citibank branch and submit the application to the Citibank officer
2. Officer will ask you to tear the cheque leaves and destroy the debit card in your presence
3. You have to write the same on your application that “I have destroyed the debit card and unused cheque leaves in from of Citibank officer”
4. The destroyed debit card and cheque leaves will be returned
5. The Citibank officer will put a Citibank Timestamp seal on your duplicate application and you are done.
6. Citibank officer mentions the account will be closed in 3 working days, but I received the closure confirmation within 4 hours of application submission as sms and e-mail (pretty fast)
7. There are NO closure charges for closing of the account .
1. A written instruction mentioning your 10-digit account number, signed by the account holder(s).
2. The unused cheque leaves and ATM card broken into pieces.
Method 2 - If sent by ordinary post:
Citibank N.A,
P O box No. 4830
Anna road post office
Chennai 600 002
Method 3 - If sent by courier:
Citibank N.A.
Hope this article will be useful for many of you who are facing similar problems.
Disclaimer: - The process mentioned for closure is as per 17th April 10. In case of doubt confirm with bank.

30 Aug 2008
Below article I found when while browsing some of my old documents, which I wrote some where in April 2006. I was planned to publish it as a blog which never happened. I guess it’s better late than never and thought of publishing it this time.
**************** April 2006 ***********
Yesterday felt nostalgic after receiving emails from friends from all parts of the country. Each email either expressed emotions/anger/happiness regarding convocation ceremony for batch of 2005 MCA batch at IMT Ghaziabad.
Last night had a beautiful dream of me as part of Convocation ceremony 2500 KMS away in
Most of them concerned to the mails I received yesterday stating that people have changed after college and have different priorities in life now they are no longer the same as they were during the college.
Till last year (2005) I knew that I had three transition phases in my life
- First one was when I gave my board exams of class X. Had this sense of some achievement of being someone in life & have crossed one of the first major phases in life. Though transition from class X to class XII was bit tough at that tender age.
- Second transition phase started when I was struggling or rather giving tough fight to life after class XII to get in one of the best engineering college so that I can also become one of the lucky ones who people say are successful.
- Third transition was after graduation to get into professional college.
- Then in early half of 2006 I came to know of the 4th transition phase and that was life on job, when you are all alone and have come face to face with real life. "Life on job …" when you are on your own and you meet face to face with life … sometimes I want to runaway from it … but I guess escapism is no solution ..
Will end this article with my favorite quote as I always say …
"Jo Dil Ko Aacha lage Wo Karo….
(Second line is implicit)"
To be continued